While nothing replaces the need for in-person pregnancy examinations and counseling, many online resources provide supplemental useful information about pregnancy and health. Below are a few links...Read More
Summer fun and eating healthy
By Yolanda Yoder, M.D. We wait all year for the sunny, bright days of summer when blue skies and good weather invite us outdoors. It’s also a time when it’s easy to eat plenty of fresh and tasty...Read More
Dangers of Teen Vaping – and What You Can Do
Think smoking a pack of cigarettes a day is bad for you? Teenagers in Indiana vaping nicotine and other harmful substances through a disposable vaping device can inhale the equivalent of nearly 600 cigarettes...Read More
A Prescription for Renewal, Growth and Vitality
By Curtis Thill, M.D. Even after practicing medicine for more than 30 years, I am always amazed by the rejuvenating power of Spring. Here in southern Indiana right now, Spring is awakening nature in a...Read More
Reaping the Payoffs of Eating Well
By Curtis Thill, MD You typically do it three or so times a day. Sometimes you do it in a hurry. Sometimes you enjoy it, other times not so much. Of course, I write here about the daily task of...Read More
Three Critical Things about You and Your Heart
By Curtis Thill, M.D. As you’re reading this, your heart is busy pumping vital blood all over your body through a vast and complex network of veins, arteries, and capillaries. How long would this system...Read More
Three Tips to Boost Your Health in 2024
By Curtis Thill, MD It’s a new year, and with it new opportunities. Making some simple changes can make a difference in how you feel, play and work. When we at Southern Indiana Community Health Care...Read More
Three Ways to Lower Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
By Curtis Thill, M.D. While you’re reading this, a small organ behind your stomach where your ribs meet — about three ounces in weight – is doing amazing things for you. The small, pear-shaped...Read More
Four important life facts to consider when you’re over 65
By Curtis Thill, MD Aging can make us wiser and happier, which is good, because one of the fastest growing groups in our service region is people over the age of 65. While your retirement years and growing...Read More
Breastfeeding and Young Mothers – the Gold Standard
The facts are in: breastfeeding your baby provides the best source of nutrition for most infants. Plus, if you breastfeed your infant, you can reduce numerous healthcare risks for both you and your baby. Besides...Read More