Mental Health


What you should know about childhood ADHD

Childhood ADHD
May 2, 2024

By Meagan Nolley, BSW, SICHC Mental Health Office Manager   What should alert a parent or caregiver to the possibility that a child may have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)? Here are...Read More 

Self-care – Do you sleep with your pet?

Elevating Mental Health with a Pet
May 1, 2024

By Curtis Thill, M.D.   Close to 70% of homes have a pet, ranging from dogs and cats to fish. Many people report that sleeping with a cat or a dog is commonplace. Is that good for health and self-care? Research...Read More 

Feeling Anxious or Blah this winter?

Light Therapy is one technique to help in overcoming Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Jan 10, 2024

By Breanna White, LSW   Winter is here and with it comes some possible changes in one’s outlook. With short days, frosty weather, and slushy roads, we can see an uptick in feelings of the blahs and...Read More 

A Time to be Merry and Bright – Reduce Potential Holiday Stress

A Time to be Merry and Bright - Reduce Potential Holiday Stress
Nov 29, 2023

By Curtis Thill, M.D.   The healing purr of a beloved cat. Unconditional joy from a dog greeting you. Feeling connected after a brisk walk. A warm hug from a grandparent. These all hold the power...Read More 

Three Ways to Lower Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Three Ways to Lower Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Oct 26, 2023

By Curtis Thill, M.D.   While you’re reading this, a small organ behind your stomach where your ribs meet — about three ounces in weight – is doing amazing things for you. The small, pear-shaped...Read More 

Innovative Hope For Those Facing Substance Use Issues

Jun 15, 2023

Despite fading from mainstream news, the opioid and related substance use crises are still with us. In fact, according to Brittany Stout, a Family Nurse Practitioner, the opiate crisis has reached new...Read More 

How’s Your Mental Health?

May 15, 2023

by Teresa Faulkner, LCSW •  May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Why should this be important to you? Mental health has been a touchy subject for some, too often leaving people to suffer in silence....Read More 

Three Ways to Reduce Stress this Spring

May 11, 2023

By Curtis Thill, MD •  After 30 years of practicing medicine in the region, there’s one trend I commonly see: many pains and symptoms some of my patients experience probably are (at least in part)...Read More 

Resilient Self-care: Important for Both Community and Professionals

Take Care of Yourself
Apr 19, 2023

Burnout or emotional exhaustion can cause serious issues. Whether initiated by negative personal experience or unremitting stress at work, burnout, anxiety, depression, and other issues can result when...Read More 

Making A Difference For Yourself

Jan 18, 2023

A worthy resolution that many make is to take care of themselves in the new year. These resolutions take many forms: lose weight, get fit, advance one’s career, build friendships, and more. That’s...Read More 

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