Three Tips to Boost Your Health in 2024

By Curtis Thill, MD

It’s a new year, and with it new opportunities. Making some simple changes can make a difference in how you feel, play and work. When we at Southern Indiana Community Health Care have seen patients engage in these activities, good things happen. Here are three for you to consider.

Get on your feet and move a bit.

Many people sometimes look for quick fixes or a superpowered pill to improve their health. As the New York Times recently reported, “the magic pill is already here.” The number one recommendation for elevating good physical and mental health – especially if you’re over 50 – is to keep your body active.

All kinds of formal studies show that moderate and regular exercise helps keep your heart healthy, boosts mindpower, protects against chronic disease, and generally elevates good overall health. The good news is that you don’t have to invest in gym memberships or expensive equipment.

A key to success here? Find something you like or is convenient and do it! Even a short 20-minute daily walk through beautiful southern Indiana can yield some amazing benefits. 

Work on eating more vegetables and fruit every day.

We’re often busy people, and it’s easy to grab a cheeseburger or a box of macaroni and cheese and call it a “meal.” When we visit the grocery store, sometimes we walk right by the fresh vegetables and fruits and head for the frozen pizza section. 

We are fortunate as a society to have ready access to fresh fruits and vegetables. Including them in our daily diet can pay huge health dividends. Instead of a bag of chips, why not reach for a tasty apple or banana? Many helpful tips for quick preparation of delicious vegetable dishes can be found online. Just type in the words “tasty vegetable recipes” in your phone or computer browser and you’ll instantly find many great shortcuts. 

Arrange your schedule for restful sleep.

If you’re feeling tired or worn out during the day, you may not be getting enough quality sleep. It’s too easy to “doom scroll” for hours on our phones and watch movies or TV up late at night. 

When we do this, we can interrupt the production of natural melatonin, a hormone that helps us fall and stay asleep. Bright screens can over-stimulate the part of your brain that helps us fall asleep. That can lead to restlessness.

What happens when we don’t get enough good sleep? Lack of quality sleep has been linked to health conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, being overweight (obesity), diabetes and more. 

So plan to turn off all screens at least two hours before bedtime and arrange your schedule to allow some good time to fall and stay asleep. Take a warm bath, read a book or engage in a relaxing activity to set yourself up for good sleep.

Three easy changes for 2024 can make a big difference. Why not start today?


A board-certified family physician, Dr. Curtis Thill has been practicing medicine in southern Indiana for more than three decades.

Image Courtesy ©Warner Bros.

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