Author: Tim Meyers


Pregnancy and Health Information and Resources

Pregnancy and Health-Information and Resources
Jul 11, 2024

While nothing replaces the need for in-person pregnancy examinations and counseling, many online resources provide supplemental useful information about pregnancy and health. Below are a few links...Read More 

Healthy Pregnancy – A short guide for mothers-to-be

A short guide for Mothers-to-be
Jul 2, 2024

By Amanda Bowman, Family Nurse Practitioner (Prenatal care and women’s health), SICHC   Pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant? Starting a family and having a baby is one of the most wondrous and...Read More 

Summer fun and eating healthy

Summer Fresh - Eating Healthy
Jun 7, 2024

By Yolanda Yoder, M.D.   We wait all year for the sunny, bright days of summer when blue skies and good weather invite us outdoors. It’s also a time when it’s easy to eat plenty of fresh and tasty...Read More 

Dangers of Teen Vaping – and What You Can Do

Teen Vaping
Jun 7, 2024

Think smoking a pack of cigarettes a day is bad for you? Teenagers in Indiana vaping nicotine and other harmful substances through a disposable vaping device can inhale the equivalent of nearly 600 cigarettes...Read More 

Four health facts for Father’s Day

Mens Health - Taking Care of Your Health
May 31, 2024

By Curtis Thill, M.D.    What’s one of the quickest ways to end a conversation with a man? Ask him when’s the last time he’s had a medical checkup. Here’s an important fact: research shows...Read More 

What you should know about childhood ADHD

Childhood ADHD
May 2, 2024

By Meagan Nolley, BSW, SICHC Mental Health Office Manager   What should alert a parent or caregiver to the possibility that a child may have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)? Here are...Read More 

Self-care – Do you sleep with your pet?

Elevating Mental Health with a Pet
May 1, 2024

By Curtis Thill, M.D.   Close to 70% of homes have a pet, ranging from dogs and cats to fish. Many people report that sleeping with a cat or a dog is commonplace. Is that good for health and self-care? Research...Read More 

A Prescription for Renewal, Growth and Vitality

Spring into Health -- A couple happily gardening flowers
Mar 28, 2024

By Curtis Thill, M.D. Even after practicing medicine for more than 30 years, I am always amazed by the rejuvenating power of Spring. Here in southern Indiana right now, Spring is awakening nature in a...Read More 

Reaping the Payoffs of Eating Well

Reaping the Payoffs of Eating Well By Curtis Thill, MD
Mar 7, 2024

By Curtis Thill, MD   You typically do it three or so times a day. Sometimes you do it in a hurry. Sometimes you enjoy it, other times not so much. Of course, I write here about the daily task of...Read More 

Three Critical Things about You and Your Heart

Heart Healthy
Feb 1, 2024

By Curtis Thill, M.D. As you’re reading this, your heart is busy pumping vital blood all over your body through a vast and complex network of veins, arteries, and capillaries. How long would this system...Read More 

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