Important Notice Regarding Online Security

Earlier in 2024, Change Healthcare suffered a major security incident. The company took major steps to investigate and provide remedies for the incident  SICHC patients may be affected by this security issue, and you may have received a notice directly from the company. SICHC recommends that you review the following statement from Change Healthcare and take appropriate action to protect your data and online privacy. This includes, where appropriate, taking advantage of the free monitoring service offered to those affected. See details below.


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Change Healthcare

Haga clic aqui para la version en español

Su información personal puede haber estado involucrada en un incidente de datos. Si desea recibir una versión de esta carta en español, por favor llame 1-866-262-5342.


NOTICE OF DATA BREACH (June 20, 2024; updated July 29, 2024 and August 8, 2024)

This notice is from Change Healthcare (CHC) about a recent security incident. Change Healthcare provides services to health care providers, health insurance plans and other companies, from which individuals may have received health services or health insurance. Because Change Healthcare works as a vendor to health care providers or health insurance plans, personal information, including health information, has been impacted in this incident.  

CHC is posting this substitute notice to provide customers and individuals with information about the criminal cyberattack on CHC systems and to share resources available to people who believe their personal data potentially being impacted. 

The review of personal information potentially involved in this incident is in its late stages. CHC is providing this notice now to help individuals understand what happened, let them know that their information may have been impacted, and give them information on steps they can take to protect their privacy, including enrolling in two years of complimentary credit monitoring and identity theft protection services if they believe that their information may have been impacted. 

This substitute notice contains the information CHC can provide at this time while CHC continues working through data review to identify affected individuals. CHC plans to mail written letters on a rolling basis to affected individuals for whom CHC has a sufficient address, including on behalf of impacted customers who have been notified and who have delegated the notification process to CHC. Please note, we may not have sufficient addresses for all affected individuals. The mailing process began in late July and continues as CHC completes quality assurance procedures. Data review is ongoing, and impacted customers with attributed individuals will be notified to confirm whether they want CHC to handle notifications on their behalf. Notices were sent to impacted customers on June 20, 2024 and August 8, 2024.

What happened?

On February 21, 2024, CHC became aware of deployment of ransomware in its computer system. Once discovered, CHC quickly took steps to stop the activity, disconnected and turned off systems to prevent further impact, began an investigation, and contacted law enforcement. CHC’s security team worked around the clock with several top security experts to address the matter and understand what happened. CHC has not identified evidence this incident spread beyond CHC. 

CHC retained leading cybersecurity and data analysis experts to assist in the investigation, which began on February 21, 2024. On March 7, 2024, CHC was able to confirm that a substantial quantity of data had been exfiltrated from its environment between February 17, 2024, and February 20, 2024. On March 13, 2024, CHC obtained a dataset of exfiltrated files that was safe to investigate. On April 22, 2024, following analysis, CHC publicly confirmed the impacted data could cover a substantial proportion of people in America.

Although the data review is in its late stages and additional customers may be identified as impacted, CHC has identified certain customers whose members’ or patients’ data was involved in the incident. On June 20, 2024, CHC began providing notice to those customers on a rolling basis. In addition, CHC has provided a link to this substitute notice more generally so that other customers can provide information to their patients/members even if they have not been identified as impacted.

What information was involved?

While CHC cannot confirm exactly what data has been affected for each impacted individual, information involved for affected individuals may have included contact information (such as first and last name, address, date of birth, phone number, and email) and one or more of the following:

  • Health insurance information (such as primary, secondary or other health plans/policies, insurance companies, member/group ID numbers, and Medicaid-Medicare-government payor ID numbers);
  • Health information (such as medical record numbers, providers, diagnoses, medicines, test results, images, care and treatment);
  • Billing, claims and payment information (such as claim numbers, account numbers, billing codes, payment cards, financial and banking information, payments made, and balance due); and/or
  • Other personal information such as Social Security numbers, driver’s licenses or state ID numbers, or passport numbers.

The information that may have been involved will not be the same for every impacted individual. To date, we have not yet seen full medical histories appear in the data review. Also, some of this information may have related to guarantors who paid bills for health care services. A guarantor is the person who paid the bill for health care services. 

Why did this happen?  

A cybercriminal gained unauthorized access to the CHC computer system.  

What is CHC doing?

Privacy and security are our priorities. When CHC learned about the activity, CHC immediately began an investigation with support from leading cybersecurity experts and law enforcement. In response to this incident, CHC immediately took action to shut down systems and sever connectivity to prevent further impact. CHC has also reinforced its policies and practices and implemented additional safeguards in an effort to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. CHC, along with leading external industry experts, continues to monitor the internet and dark web.

CHC is also sharing this website link (called a substitute notice) with additional resources in the Reference Guide for any individual who believes they may be impacted or who may have questions. The link is

What individuals can do?

While CHC is still investigating whose personal information may have been involved, there are steps individuals can take to protect themselves:

  • Any individual who believes their information may have been impacted by this incident can enroll in two years of complimentary credit monitoring and identity protection services. CHC is paying for the cost of these services for two years.
  • Individuals should be on the lookout and regularly monitor the explanation of benefits statements received from their health plan and statements from health care providers, as well as bank and credit card statements, credit reports, and tax returns, to check for any unfamiliar activity.
  • If individuals notice any health care services they did not receive listed on an explanation of benefits statement, they should contact their health plan or doctor.
  • If individuals notice any suspicious activity on bank or credit card statements or on tax returns, they should immediately contact their financial institution and/or credit card company or relevant agency.
  • If an individual believes they are the victim of a crime, they can contact local law enforcement authorities and file a police report.

Individuals may have additional rights available to them depending on the state they live in and should refer to the Reference Guide for additional information. 

For more information

As CHC continues to work with leading industry experts to analyze data involved in this cyberattack, immediate support and robust protections are available to individuals who may be concerned about their information.

CHC regrets any inconvenience or concern caused by this incident. CHC has established a dedicated call center to offer additional resources and information to people who believe they may have been affected by this incident. Individuals can visit for more information and details on these resources or call the toll-free call center, which also includes trained clinicians to provide support services. The call center’s number is: 1-866-262-5342, available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. CT. 



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注意:如果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請致電 1-866-262-5342 (TTY: 1-866-262-5342)

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